Funding for this podcast was provided in part by Humanities Montana.

Theme Song
“Cookie Cutter Man,” by the fantastic Missoula, Montana band Butter. Buy the song or album.
Original podcast music
Most of the music throughout this season was created specifically for us by the multi-talented Travis Yost based in Missoula. We can’t recommend Travis enough; hire him for all kinds of creative endeavors!
Other music
“Bleed,” by Bird’s Mile Home — outro music on Episode 1. Scorching roots-punk from Missoula. Buy the song or the album.
“Can’t Raise the Dead,” by the Best Westerns — outro music on Episode 2. State-of-the-art Country. From the Highline, Glacier Park and other corners of Montana. Buy the song or album.
“Farewell, Johnny Miner,” by Dublin Gulch — outro music on Episode 3. Irish folk, straight outta Butte and thoroughly steeped in the city’s history. Buy the album.
“Tune for T,” by Caroline Keys — outro music on Episode 4. Utterly sublime bluegrass and, objectively speaking, Missoula’s best musician. Buy the song or album.

Archival Audio, Oral Histories and Other Media
Archival audio and music courtesy of Smithsonian Folkways.
Oral history interviews and images courtesy of the University of Montana Archives and Special Collections.
Oral history interviews courtesy of the Butte Silver Bow Archives.
Archival audio courtesy of Pacifica Radio Archives,
Oral history interviews courtesy of the Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University.
People Interviewed
Dave Emmons, Professor Emeritus of History, University of Montana
Timothy LeCain, Professor of History, Montana State University
Arnon Gutfeld, Professor of History, Tel Aviv University
Kent Curtis, Professor of History, Ohio State University
Fred Quivik, Professor of History, Michigan Technological University

Other Shout Outs
Thanks to Chris Higgins for advice and help on getting started on this project, as well as doing some audio engineering.
Thanks to Donna McCrea and Hannah Soukup at the University of Montana Archives and Special Collections for their help.
Thanks to Ellen Crain and Aubrey Jaap at the Butte Silver Bow Archives for their help.

Select Historical Resources
Jane Little Botkin, Frank Little and the IWW: The Blood That Stained an American Family (University of Oklahoma Press, 2017).
Michael P. Malone. The Battle for Butte: Mining and Politics on the Northern Frontier, 1864–1906 (University of Washington Press, 1981).
K. Ross Toole, Twentieth-Century Montana: A State of Extremes (University of Oklahoma Press, 1972).
Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All: A History of the Industrial Workers of the World (University of Illinois Press, 1969).
Eric Thomas Chester, The Wobblies in Their Heyday: The Rise and Destruction of the Industrial Workers of the World during the World War I Era (Praeger, 2014).